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Is the coconut oil in our products safe/healthy?
Is the coconut oil in our products safe/healthy?

We discuss why we use coconut oil in our products and whether or not it's good for you

Updated over a week ago

Coconut oil has been in the middle of a little controversy in the past, on the one hand, people rave about its many evidence-based health benefits but on the other hand, it's mainly made of saturated fat which has been recommended to be avoided for heart health in the past.

Let's first discuss why we use it, coconut oil in our products serve 2 purposes, firstly it aids absorption of fat-soluble nutrients (vitamins A, D, E, K and Coenzyme Q10) by allowing the nutrients to be emulsified and incorporated into the fat allowing the body to absorb the fat containing the nutrients and releasing them where required. Secondly, they aid the manufacture of these products by acting as fillers, when the nutrients are provided in a very small amount of material we need to fill the capsule with something else, many companies choose cheap artificial additives for this purpose but we choose a natural ingredient with an added benefit. So any oil would allow filling and better absorption, why do we choose coconut oil? Well, coconut oil is majority saturated fat, saturated fat is extremely stable compared to unsaturated fats that like to break down in the presence of light and oxygen and go rancid much quicker. This means oils containing unsaturated fats then need ingredients added to prevent rancidity, by using coconut oil we avoid these issues allowing us to meet our mission of providing clean natural-based products at the most affordable prices.

It's also important to put into perspective how much coconut oil is in our products, taking our Vitamin D3 and Coenzyme Q10 products as an example, we have 200mg in each or 0.2g. The current NHS recommended guidelines for saturated fat intake is:

  • men should not eat more than 30g of saturated fat a day

  • women should not eat more than 20g of saturated fat a day

  • children should have less

So each capsule makes up just 1% of the recommended daily intake of saturated fat for women and 0.6% for men.

Now, is coconut oil harmful to heart health? The jury is still out on this one, traditional understanding is yes, saturated fats when consumed in excess can cause cholesterol to build up in the blood blocking arteries, however, more recent research put this into question and claims saturated fats do not clog the arteries.

Our approach to diet is one of moderation and balance, we don't believe anything should be consumed in excess and we feel no different about coconut oil, some of the health benefits cannot be ignored and conversely neither can potential adverse health effects. However, the amount in our product contributes so little to our diets that it won't have an effect either way.

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